BryanRifeUNLEASH YOUR INNER SPARKLEThere's a unicorn inside of all of us! This session has been identified as a "favorite!" Have you lost your Inner Sparkle? Don’t worry —...
BryanRifeTHROUGH THE LOOKING GLASS-LIFE AND PROFESSIONAL LESSONS FROM ALICEThroughout life we all fall down the rabbit hole from time to time. In this session we will take a journey with Alice and other...
BryanRifeMINING THE EMERALDS OF OZ-LIFE AND PROFESSIONAL LESSONS FROM OVER THE RAINBOWDuring this session we will be mining gems of wisdom big and small about longing, compassion, power, fear, joy and having faith in...
BryanRifeA WALK THROUGH A 100 ACRE WOOD-LIFE AND PROFESSIONAL LESSONS FROM POOHIn this session we will learn life lessons grounded in the fact of slowing down, looking at what is around us and being present in our...
BryanRifeIF I COULD TURN BACK TIME-LESSONS ON TIME MANAGEMENTIn this session participants we will take a closer look at our life professionally and personally and identify those time sucking...
BryanRifeGRANT WRITING 101Bryan Rife was one of the first ever Activity Director grant writers in the state of North Carolina. The facility he worked at during...
BryanRifeTHE VALUE OF LEGACY-ACTIVITIES FOR THOSE FACING THE END OF LIFEDuring this session, participants will be shown several unique ideas that can be done with someone that is in end of life. These ideas...